Friday, December 28, 2007

As 2007 Comes To A Close...

My New Year’s Wishes for the Radio Industry (in no particular order)

  • We lift the negative veil hampering the radio industry
  • We figure out positive ways to communicate that more than 230 million Americans listen to the radio EVERY week
  • We discard a few of the “truths” of the radio industry and try some things that may be counter-intuitive
  • We have stronger industry leadership step forward and communicate a refreshed vision for our industry
  • We stop worrying about new technologies we can’t stop and find ways to use them to our benefit
  • We develop and create entertainment programming for those under 25 that is available in real-time on air and anytime everywhere else
  • We let the programmers program
  • We encourage risk taking and allow some mistakes in order to find a couple of gems out of some valiant efforts
  • We remember that this is show business and we must put on a show
  • We find some new words and phrases to describe what we do on the air (please!)
  • We develop new and creative ways to monetize our programming and services
  • We stay safe, remain healthy, and appreciate all of the really important things in our lives

I wish you the happiest of New Years! Can you believe it’s already 2008?