Friday, January 18, 2008

Bob Grant Gets His Cake and Eats It Too

Much has be reported, written and commented on this week over R&R rescinding Bob Grant’s lifetime achievement award. In my view, an award the man deserves.

He is a talk radio pioneer with a storied career that dates back many, many decades. And yes, controversial words have come out of his mouth over the years. And yes, he was fired from WABC for comments made in 1996. Should that be his legacy? I think not. Bob, will get his award from WABC (his second stint) and Michael Harrison’s Talkers Magazine—at that publications conference later this year. In the meanwhile, he has gotten a boatload of free advertising and largely this has been a PR bonanza for Mr. Grant.

What’s most interesting and odd about this entire episode is that the award was announced and then taken away. These types of things are subjective pronouncements to begin with and if R&R had never made the announcement in the first place, life would have gone on and no one would have been any the wiser. Some other deserving person would have gotten the spotlight and that would have been it.

Who’s it gonna be? What broadcaster will receive the award this year? How uncomfortable! Maybe a posthumous award might be best.

One of my favorite radio boards, The NY Radio Message Board, where this story was buzzing big, posted Bob Grant’s interview on the Opie and Anthony Show. It’s edgy, fun, and a bit uncomfortable in a couple of spots. Check it out:

MP3 File